Valuk Valuk je štiričlanska zasedba poimenovana po prvem karantanskem knezu, ki se je leta 2012 prebudila iz idrijskega podzemlja in pričela svoje temačno potovanje na površje z ustvarjanjem pagan black metala. Junija 2013 je izšel prvi singl Meč očetov. Decembra leta 2014 je skupina objavila svoj prvi EP v samozaložbi s štirimi skladbami. Marca 2016 je skupina izdala singl Reka gori, ki je napovedoval prvenec skupine, luč sveta pa je ugledal februarja 2017 pod imenom Kri gotove smrti. Album izdan v samozaložbi je požel veliko pozitivnih kritik tako doma kot v tujini. Valuk nadaljuje svoje potovanje v slogu:
Iz globin idrijskega podzemlja
se sence plazijo proti površju
in podoživljajo
preteklost slovenske grude.

Valuk is a four member band that has been awoken in the Idrijan subterranean depths in 2012 borrowing the name of Carinthian duke. There and then has seen the start of the black metal journey strewn with pagan myths and motifs, that has given birth to the first single »Meč očetov« in June 2013. December 2014 has been witness to the birth of Valuk's first self-published EP filled with four intense black-pagan songs, telling the stories of our forefathers. Another single named »Reka gori« followed in March 2016, foretelling the release of full album »Kri gotove smrti« in February 2017. Self published release has been well-received by the home and international public, as well as shadows of the Idrijan past and mysterious hellspawn of its uderground. Unstoppable and productive wheels of Valuk are taking the band further to ressurect more legends and unveil more secrets of the pagan gods that have been burried for too long.
From the depths of Idrija's underworld,
the shadows are crawling to light
and re-living the past of Slovenian soil.

Valuk @ Bandcamp
Valuk @ Facebook
Valuk @ YouTube