ValkyrjaValkyrja was created in 2004 with the intention to channel violence, deprivatation and loath through the extraordinary potent audio channel. The ideal was a passionate, limitless perversion that breathed ever so vibrant in the essence of its members. A will to leave all trails of society's false enslaving chains and entomb the shallow world they already considered dead. As the brotherhood took form, opposition and defiance surfaced from the neglected corners of the mind, shadowed by the laws and morals of a surroundings completely alien to the band's core. No specific genre was ever truly chosen due to the fact that would itself bring boundaries in forms of blueprints and expectations. What is created under the flag of VALKYRJA is all that defies earthly shackles. With this in mind, the first steps into the night were taken. A wish to venture into the dark without ever looking back. A progression from mind to body, from spirit to flesh, from thought to act....
During March of 2005 the first manifest saw the light of day, namely "FUNERAL VOICES", marking the hunger and presence of the quintet, a preview of what was yet to surface in even greater entity. This five-track piece was reissued the same year in September through the underground label Deathkrush Productions under the name "FAR BEYOND", including in addition a second studio recording.
Due to the band's direction and iron determination, line-up changes were necessary and individuals were replaced in order to sharpen the spears even further. The debut album, "THE INVOCATION OF DEMISE", was recorded in NECROMORBUS STUDIO during March 2007 and released in physical form six months later through NORTHERN SILENCE PRODUCTIONS. With this first album, VALKYRJA gained an increasing reputation for being a fierce live act whose carnal display left each stage with the remains of rotten blood and foul scent of death. Drawn to the stench of putrid death, METAL BLADE RECORDS signed the band in 2009. As the second album was once again recorded in NECROMORBUS STUDIO in the same year, the debut album was reissued under the wings of their new ally, thus spreading the curse even further.
The sequel was released in the first month of 2010, under the name of "CONTAMINATION", no other name better suiting. The tracks featured became vital to the band's live setlist, something that was proven during the autumn when the first European campaign took place.
Under the flag of Massive Music, accompanied by the titans Ragnarök (Nor) and Marduk (Swe), more than 20 venues drank the bitter wine of aural violence.
A tour, twice as extensive as the first one, took place the year after, this time alongside Gorgoroth (Nor) and Vader (Pol). The six weeks tour throughout Europe became the farewell tour for the "CONTAMINATION", marking the beginning of a new chapter.
To celebrate this malicious piece of sinister glorification, "CONTAMINATION" was released on vinyl via World Terror Commitee Productions, marking the final nail in the second coffin.
During the summer of 2013, a third album was created. Forged and conceived to reflect blood and fire, the third album "THE ANTAGONIST'S FIRE" set the world aflame on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 2013. The release was followed by an extensive European Tour including 23 cities in 12 different countries.
In 2014 this beast celebrates 10 years. The hunger has never been so present and the will to bury a third sword in the heart of the world never felt so necessary. Await the storm!
Valkyrja Website
Valkyrja @ Facebook
Valkyrja @ ReverbNation