Skupino sta ustvarila Matej in Matjaž leta 2016. Želja po ustvarjanju in igranju Heavy Metal glasbe je bila velika, zato sta začela iskati nove člane. Kmalu se je skupini pridružil prvi solo kitarist Adrian Cvitković. Skozi obdobje ustvarjanja skupine sta se skupini pridružila še pevec Luka Pavlič in basist Miha Brcar. Pozneje je skupino kitarist Adrian zapustil. V času iskanja novega člana, je skupina intenzivno delala na avtorski glasbi. Skupina je dobila originalno postavo, ko se je kot solo kitarist pridružil David Knez.
The idea for the band was created by Matej and Matjaž in 2016. Desire of creating and playing Heavy Metal music was big, so they started looking for new crew members. Soon, the first solo guitarist, Adrian Cvitković, joined the group and they started with the work on original music. Through the period, singer Luka Pavlič and bassist Miha Brcar joined the band. Later, the guitarist Adrian left the group. The group got its original lineup when David Knez joined the group in the role of a new solo guitarist.
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