Srd Tendenca zejavega brezna je ta, da na vsake toliko izbljuva gnoj, ki širi mizantropijo in melanholijo neznanih razsežnosti ter nudi povod vsakemu ljudomrznežu, da prestopi navidezne meje družbe in končno zarije nož v hrbet brata človeka. Tako je vse od Kaina naprej. Srd, peterica trubadurjev temin, tako svoje poslanstvo vidi v tem, da s svojimi black'n'roll vižami postreže nič manj kot pekel in manifestira agonijo človeštva zadnjih nekaj tisoč let ter spodbuja k večnemu vračanju le tega.

The yawning abyss has the tendency to purge out the puss that spreads misanthropy and melancholy of unknown dimensions, and to offer a cause for every misanthrope to overstep the virtual boundaries of the society, and plunge a knife deep in the back of a fellow man. Since the time of Cain, this has been the way. Srd, five troubadours of the dark, see their calling in serving up nothing less than hell itself with their black'n'roll melodies, as well as fuelling its eternal recrudescence, and manifesting humanity's agony of the last millennia.
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