Morana je slovenski melodični death metal band iz Kranja. Band je nastal leta 2006 in od takrat redno nastopa na koncertih in festivalih. Izvajajo avtorsko glasbo, 21. decembra 2012 pa so tudi izdali svoj prvi album z naslovom »Too Bad for Heavens«. Ime skupine izvira iz staroslovanske mitologije, po boginji zime, teme in smrti, Morane. Temu primeren je tudi slog glasbe in tematika besedil.
Po raznih menjavah članov v trenutni zasedbi delujejo:
Davorin – bas
Matej – kitara
Jurij – kitara
Nina – vokal
Robi – bobni
Tomo – vokal
Tjaša - klaviature
Morana is a Slovenian melodic death metal band from Kranj. The group was formed in 2006, since then they have been regularly appearing on concerts, festivals and writing original material. The 21st of december 2012 they released their first album - "Too Bad For Heavens". The band name originates from the ancient slavic mythological godess of death, darkness and winter, Morana. Those themes are present in the band's musical style and lyrical content.
After many line-up changes, the band currently consists of:
Davorin – Bass guitar
Matej – Guitars
Jurij – Guitarsv
Nina – Vocals
Robi – Drums
Tomo – Vocals
Tjaša - Keyboards
Morana @ Bandcamp
Morana @ Facebook
Morana @ Instagram
Morana @ YouTube