Marax je simfonična black metal skupina, ki združuje člane iz različnih glasbenih skupin (Cvinger, Cordura, Morana). Skupina je nastala pozimi leta 2017. Decembra so izdali prvi singel, The Relinquishment of Existence, z EP-ja The Abyss of Illusions, ki je izšel 28. aprila 2018 in ki so ga premierno predstavili istega dne na festivalu Fuck Off Commercial v Šeščah.
Anin Astaroth (vokal)
Nord Slayer (kitare, klaviature)
Morgoth (bobni)
Žica (violina)
Marax is a Slovenian symphonic black metal band formed in the winter of 2017. It brings together the members of some other Slovenian bands (Cvinger, Cordura, Morana). In December 2017, the band released their first single, The Relinquishment of Existence, from the EP The Abyss of Illusions. The EP was released on the 28th of April, 2018, and on that day there was a release show at the Fuck off Commercial Festival in Šešče.
Anin Astaroth (vocals)
Nord Slayer (guitars, keyboards)
Morgoth (drums)
Žica (violin)
Marax @ Bandcamp
Marax @ Facebook