Beast of Heaving Earth came to life in fall of 2007. Infernal death metal as living form of expression in its highest standards was our main goal from a very start (and should forever be). Our first and only demo was released in 2008 by French label Nihilistic Holocaust. First full lenght album came out in summer 2010 on Polish Redrum666 label. Diabolic Prophecies contains 8 hymns of dark blasphemous, still varied and atmospheric, death metal with killer cover art done by Marco Hasmann. CD as well as new merchandise are still available through http://store.lavadome.org/ Year 2011 meant severe line-up changes. Fortunately enough, new members brought great feel and musicianship, so Heaving Earth 2012 line-up is so far the best and strongest one. Hail infernal darkness!
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