"We are a young metalcore band from Slovenia." Fraza, ki krasi našo prelepo FB stran že kar en čas. Zdaj pa je čas za spremembe, čas, da nas zares spoznate. Kot smo morda že omenili, smo mlad metalcore band iz slovenije. V prostem času lupimo pomaranče ter gledamo razočarane gospodinje. Nejc tu pa tam tudi kaj volnenega zaštrika. Glasbeno smo vsi vsaj malo izobraženi, eni hodijo na konservatorij, drugi gledajo youtube how-to posnetke. Sedaj pa k težjemu delu - naš stil. "Ko poslušam Heart's Abyss, se mi srce odpre, oči zasolzijo, naježi koža in občutek imam, kot da sem v nebesih!" je v intervjuju povedala od nekoga mama (♥). Da bi na kratko povzeli: naš zvok je podoben jazzu s priokusom klasike. To je to.
Šalo na stran, smo metalcore band, ki se rad zabava. Naša volja in zagnanost za glasbo izvirata iz poslušanja drugih bendov, kot so Avenged Sevenfold, Parkway Drive, Architects, Memphis May Fire, Asking Alexandria in seveda mnogih drugih. Heart's Abyss sestavljamo člani različnih starosti, rojeni od davnega leta '94 pa do '98. Pred kratkim smo izdali naš drugi single "Witness". Smo vedno pripravljeni nastopati. Naša želja je osovjiti svet z našo glasbo.
In the beginning of the year 2012, the friend of both the drummer, Jakob Verlič and the guitarist, Bine Kosmač, formed the band that would, at the time, play mostly death metal and thrashcore. A few months later, Denis Hadner was invited into the band. Following shortly, he bought a bass and started practicing. The band had a period of absoultely no inspiration or ideas for composing in death metal, so the tendency to play metalcore started to evolve. As a consequence of genre change and all the frustrations, the founder quit the band. Following was a period of fluent composing, with music stemming from metalcore but encompassing a variety of influences. The only problem was the lack of vocals and second guitar. Luckily, Aloša Šinkovič, filling both positions, was soon invited into the band. After that, two concerts were played. Because of the lack of movement on the stage, Aljoša was relieved of his secondary role as the rhythm guitarist. The role was soon taken by the band's newest acquisition, Nejc Fošnarič, who's composing also brought a breath of fresh air into the music. Next few shows have been a significant improvement from the band's previous gigs. In recent history of the band, the bassist, Denis Hadner, was replaced by Oskar Peče, who has been, since the band’s first practice session after Denis’s departure, found much more inspired and motivated about the music.
Heart's Abyss @ Facebook