Golliwog, melodičen hardcore band iz Ribnice, je v petnajstih letih delovanja ostal zvest temeljnemu vodilu punka – D.I.Y. mentaliteti. Prepoznavni so pod sloganom "Anti-Everything Corporate" in naspidirano ter netrendovsko različico družbeno-kritičnega melodičnega hardcora s prepoznavnim ženskim vokalom, težkim kitarskim zvokom, pozitivnim sporočilom in "Straight-In-Your-Face" attitudom.
Za sabo imajo že ogromno koncertov tako doma kot po tujini (oder so delili z NOFX, SNFU, Anti-Flag, Sick Of It All, Adolescents, Street Dogs, Dead To Me, Venerea, The Toasters...), nastopili pa so tudi že na mnogih prepoznavnejših festivalih alternativne glasbe pri nas (Punk Rock Holiday, No Border Jam, Orto Punk, City Of..., Njoki Summer fest, Zeitgeist fest, Rad bi bil normalen, Štour Fest...).
Poleg tega, da člani skupine trdno zavračajo trende, zavestno širijo pozitivno sporočilo in se aktivno borijo za pravice in enakopravnost tako ljudi kot živali, pa od že slišanega družbeno-kritičnega punkrocka stopajo korak naprej, saj v samo formo lirične kritike vnašajo povsem nova polja drugačnega pogleda na probleme urejenosti sveta. Z jasno izraženimi stališči se v svojih besedilih ukvarjajo predvsem s korupcijo svetovne politike, temeljito predelajo določena dejstva o globalni zaroti bančnih megalomanov in s tem spodbujajo posameznika k razmišljanju in na podlagi lastnih presoj k (pre)oblikovanju svojega pogleda na svet.v
Z veseljem pomagajo pri underground kulturi in razvijanju alternativne glasbene scene, kar je udejanil prvenec More Than Meets D.I.Y., ki so ga z Rokom Podbevškom posneli v studiu na Metelkovi in izdali v samozaložbi Chainsaw Records ter tako upravičili slogan "Anti-Everything Corporate". Plošča je bila izredno dobro sprejeta pri poslušalcih in kritikih, tako da so kmalu po izidu dobili ponudbo za izdajo albuma pri ugledni japonski založbi In-N-Out Records, ki ima pod okriljem kar nekaj varovancev legendarne punkrock založbe Epitaph (Pulley, Strung Out, RX Bandits, New Found Glory, Reel Big Fish...). CD je za japonsko tržišče izšel v decembru 2006 z dodatno bonus skladbo in malce spremenjenim bookletom. Izdaja CD-ja je prinesla tudi sodelovanje pri kompilaciji Energy To Start The Day, ki je novembra 2006 izšla pri floridski založbi No Filler Records.
Vedno aktivni Golliwog so se v juniju 2007 ponovno zaprli v studio na Metelkovo in začeli delati na materialu za novo ploščo Plague Allegiance, ki je izšla februarja 2010. Poleg glasbenega CDja so tokrat izdali tudi kratko knjigo z enakim naslovom (Plague Allegiance) v kateri so zbrane pomembne in preverljive informacije o vladni korupciji, delovanju skrite vlade, skrivnem postavljanju novega svetovnega reda – četrtega rajha z eno svetovno vlado in totalitarističnim režimom in dejstva o največji zaroti v času naše civilizacije. Tudi ta plošča je bila med poslušalci več kot odlično sprejeta in kmalu po izidu so bili povabljeni k sodelovanju pri kompilaciji Between Skate and Punk, ki je bila izdana za založbo Easy Records iz Indonezije. Da so si Golliwog v tem času ustvarili trdno bazo zvestih fanov tako doma kot drugje po svetu, dokazuje tudi veliko število predvajanj na spletnih straneh Last.fm in Myspace.com in pa dejstvo, da so na lestvici najmočnejše mednarodne spletne trgovine tovrstne glasbe Interpunk.com s ploščo Plague Allegiance v prvih treh tednih dosegli sedmo mesto po prodajanosti (Interpunk Local Best Sellers), vse to brez kakršnekoli podpore mainstream medijev.
Po letu in pol koncertnega premora, se Golliwog vračajo na koncertne odre, prav tako pa so že začeli s pripravljanjem materiala za novo ploščo. To dokazuje, da skupina ne počiva, ampak ves čas plodno ustvarja, kar jo postavi med aktivnejše predstavnike tovrstne glasbe pri nas.
Pa še na kratko o imenu Golliwog. Skupina se je poimenovala po črnskem junaku iz otroških bukvic z začetka 20. stoletja, ki so ga kasneje razne rasistične organizacije upodobile kot simbol za rasno segregacijo. Žaljive lutke s stereotipnimi lastnostmi črncev so bile označene kot politično nekorektne, čeprav jih še danes lahko najdete v bolje založenih trgovinah s spominki. Golliwog tako prikazuje vso ironijo in idiotizem človeške rase skozi časovne spremembe, na kar želi skupina opozoriti, pri tem pa poudarja, da je proti rasizmu, nacionalizmu, seksizmu, homofobiji, imperializmu, kapitalizmu, ter proti vsem oblikam nasilja, izkoriščanja in zatiranja šibkejših.
Golliwog from Slovenia has been around since 1998, and they've been known by their unique style of fast melodic hard core with recognizable and heavy guitar sound, energetic female vocals, positive message, and straight-in-your-face attitude. They've shared the stage with biggest names of the genre, such as: Propagandhi, NOFX, SNFU, Snuff, Anti-Flag, Sick Of It All, Adolescents, The Casualties, Street Dogs, Dead To Me, Venerea, The Toasters...
After the infamous D.I.Y. release Gandhi Fans Against Gun Defence and constantly playing shows in Slovenia and abroad, they entered the Studio Metelkova and recorded their instant classic album More Than Meets D.I.Y. This album received amazing reviews by most fanzines and webzines, and soon after the release the band signed a record deal with eminent record label In-N-Out Records from Japan (Pulley, Strung Out, RX Bandits, New Found Glory, Reel Big Fish...). The CD was released in December 2006, with additional bonus track and slightly changed booklet. In the same year they were also invited to be part of international punk rock compilation Energy To Start The Day, released by No Filler Records from Florida.
The group's follow-up to 2006's More Than Meets D.I.Y., was entitled Plague Allegiance. This time the band took it one step further and along with music album, they issued a short book with the same title (Plague Allegiance). The idea is to spread the message as wide as possible and to illuminate the issues about the government corruption, secret societies, New World Order, and to show the hard facts about the biggest conspiracy of our time to a wider audience. Plague Allegiance was also very well received by music critics and fans and it opened up a new audience for the band. The fan base grew bigger not only in Europe, but also in Japan, South America, Canada, Russia... and consecutively, the number of played Golliwog songs on internet pages grew rapidly. The information about the quality of the album spread fast and wide, and during the first three weeks Golliwog held 7th position of best sellers on the Interpunk Local selling charts (the biggest international alternative music shop online), and all that without any mainstream media support whatsoever.
Plague Allegiance is band's first concept album and it builds up through the entire tracklist, song by song. The whole picture is a political satire of the reality that we're living in, but we can't see further than the end of our nose. It's about prison without the bars that we all share, and it's about disloyalty and betrayal. We can't see the true nature of the reality because we're dumbed down intentionally, by design. Every song is like a puzzle piece in this whole tapestry and it has a strong message. This album serviced the core fans and introduced some new music to those fans, but it also recruited a bigger and broader audience, because the songwriting has matured so much.
Because Golliwog are well aware of the importance of the music in everyday lives of youth today, they are trying to positively influence and direct todays youth through their lyrics. They're trying their best to help the kids with their everyday problems, by offering positive solutions and sharing life experiences, and by letting them know they are not alone and that others feel the same as they do. Golliwog will always strive for human freedom, animal liberation, universal peace, kindness, truth, honesty, evolution of consciousness, but the most important thing is unconditional love. Because real love is unconditional. As it means, without conditions attached to it. It is only our limited minds, a part of our ego, that want us to own / be with / be part of / control another person. Unconditional love means that you will love them regardless of what they do, or how good they are at it. You must love them, for being them. And that's the most important thing in our lives. Let your heart defeat your ego.
Golliwog are definitely one of the best alternative live acts in Slovenia at the moment, and one of the most active Slovenian bands on the scene, so don't miss the show when they hit your town. With their furious stage performance and sincere positive energy they'll get under your skin for sure.
Original Golliwog was a children's character created by Florence Kate Upton in the late 19th century. They were popular throughout the first half of the twentieth century, and notorious throughout the second. Golliwog began as innocent children's hero and cuddly toy, but times have changed and he is now persona non grata, a subject of raging controversy and a symbol of reviled racist stereotyping. The sad thing is that unlike so many modern children's characters, Golliwog is non-violent, positive and cheery. The original concept of the Golliwog was not intended to humiliate anyone, but some people seem determined to see Golliwog as something he never was. This poor ragdoll was never a problem – the problem is infinite human stupidity and conscientious ignorance! And that's also the message behind the controversial name of this female-fronted four-piece band, that stands for equality and liberty for all.
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Golliwog @ Last.fm
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