Smo petčlanski bend z Obale, ki deluje od konca leta 2014. Igramo metal hite legendarnih velikanov, kot so Pantera, Metallica, Machine Head in še mnogih drugih. Združujejo nas ljubezen do dobre muzike, strast pri igranju in dober žur.
Bend sestavljajo prekaljeni glasbeniki iz bivših in sedanjih skupin, kot so Revolver, AlmostRage, MIT, Su-Shine, Morana, Lady's First, Children Of Burzum itd.
Naš moto je »NOGE NA V PA ČEU U TVA!« Pridite na koncert in poglejte, kaj to pomeni!
Cowboys From Hell is a five-piece band from the Slovenian coastal area, formed in 2014. We play metal hits from legendary bands such as Pantera, Metallica, Machine Head and many others. United by the love for good music, passionate playing and having a blast, the band consists of experienced musicians from various different Slovene bands.
Our motto is »LEGS IN V SHAPE AND FRONT TO THE GROUND!« Come to our show and find out what that means!
Cowboys from Hell @ Facebook
Cowboys from Hell @ YouTube