Death/Deathgrind metal band iz Velenja - Slovenija.
Trenutni člani skupine so Grega Cestnik na bobnih, Žiga Ring na kitari, Tilen Kirbiš na vokalih ter Matej Voglar na bas kitari.
Skupina je nastala leta 2013, končno podobo pa dobila v začetku leta 2014 in istega leta je sledil prvi koncert v Velenju. Na začetku so se preigravale priredbe skupin kot so Obituary, Decapitaded in Lamb of God, kmalu za tem pa so začeli ustvarjati avtorsko glasbo. Nastali so prvi komadi Slaughterlust, Blood On My Tombstone in God’s Cock. Nato je sledilo veliko število koncertov po vsej Sloveniji in tudi sosednjih državah. Nastopili so tudi na festivalih kot so Live After Death, Vratolom, Breka Fest, Kunigunda in si delili oder z velikimi bendi kot so Benighted, Gutalax, Acranius, Analepsy, Noctiferia. Prvenec Slaughterlust je bil izdan marca leta 2016 in leto kasneje je imel band prvo turnejo (Slaughterlust tour) po Madžarski, Romuniji in Bulgariji, v namen promociji albuma. Marca 2018 so imeli drugo turnejo (March of Death tour) po celotni Romuniji in tudi na Hrvaškem z skupino Snogg.
Skupina trenutno ustvarja na materialu za drugi album Disgusting Festivities, ki bo izdan v letu 2019, kot napoved za album je pa letos že izšel singel Compel Insemination.
Death/Deathgrind metal band from Velenje, Slovenia.
Current members of CARNIFLIATE are Grega Cestnik on the drums, Žiga Ring on the guitar, Tilen Kirbiš on vocals and current session bassist Matej Voglar.
The band was formed in 2013. At first they played covers from bands like Obituary, Decapitated and Lamb of God, but pretty soon they started to write their own material. Songs like Slaughterlust, Blood On My Tombstone and God’s Cock were made. In 2014 CARNIFLIATE had it’s first gig in their hometown -Velenje. After that, the number of concerts started to grow. They played numerous concerts and festivals (Live after death, Vratolom, Breka fest, Kunigunda..) all over Slovenia and other countries nearby. They also played with big bands like Benighted, Gutalax, Acranius, Analepsy, Noctiferia, etc.. Their first album Slaughterlust was released in march 2016. In january 2017 the band had it’s first tour, promoting the album Slaughterlust (Slaughterlust tour). They played in Hungary, Romania and were also scheduled to play in Bulgaria, but unfortunately had to cancel. One year later in 2018 the band had it’s second tour called March of Death tour with the local band Snogg and they played over all of Romania and also Croatia.
The band is currently working on the material for the new album Disgusting Festivities.
Carnifliate @ Bandcamp
Carnifliate @ Facebook
Carnifliate @ YouTube