BattleX obstaja že od leta 2007, vendar se njihova glasbena pot v trenutni zasedbi začne leta 2010, in sicer z izdajo bolj tradicionalno obarvanega EP-ja The Point of No Return, s katerim so se uvrstili v finale natečaja ŠOUROCK 2010. Nadaljevali so z igranjem po Sloveniji in ustvarjanjem novih mojstrovin, ki so jim skupaj z energično in neusmiljeno izvedbo prinesli še eno uvrstitev v finale, tokrat festivala Newcomer v Grazu leta 2012. Prvi album, z naslovom Imminent Downfall, je rezultat parih let kovanja metala stare šole in modernega pristopa k aranžmajem in produkciji. V živo ali na posnetku, BattleX vedno podrejo vse standarde z udarnim in brezkompromisnim metalom.
BattleX is a metal band from Maribor, Slovenia. Their journey began in 2010, when they released an EP titled The Point of No Return, which featured more traditional thrash/heavy metal arrangements, which won them a place in the finals of the ŠOUROCK competition in 2010. Moving on to perform at various venues across Slovenia and reaching the finals of Newcomer competition in Graz, Austria in 2012 with their captivating, punchy and energetic live performance. Their debut album, Imminent Downfall, which will be released in 2015, is a head-crushing result of combining different elements of old-school metal and modern approaches to song-writing and production. On stage or blasting from your speakers, BattleX deliver an engrossing and powerful blast of pure, unmerciful metal.
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BattleX @ ReverbNation
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