Attic MistAttic Mist je petčlanska hard rock zasedba iz okolice Kranja, ki se v svojem repertoarju spogleduje tudi z blues glasbo. Skupina je v slabih dveh letih obstoja nanizala vrsto nastopov širom Slovenije, kot tudi v Nemčiji (Garage Deluxe) in na Hrvaškem (Tabor Film Festival 14). Poleg tega, da so bili v tem času mnogokrat predskupina priznanim glasbenikom, kot so Siddharta, Niet, Elvis Jackson in Plavi Orkestar, so uspešno izpeljali že marsikateri samostojen koncert. Z nalezljivo mladostno energičnostjo, ki jo izkazujejo na odru, ter »s pravo mero radovednosti, s katero se spopadajo tudi z zahtevnejšimi glasbenimi izzivi, za katerimi ves čas stremijo« (Karmen Verdonik), so si med drugim priborili drugo mesto v finalu Špil Lige 2015/16. Septembra 2016 pa so izdali svoj debitantski EP z naslovom Just a Taste, na katerem »demonstrirajo mladi upi slovenskega rock revitalizma všečno mero potence in mladostniške ihte, kot tudi porogljivega uporništva, ki sodi vkup k osnovni izkaznici samega poslanstva, za katerim stoji skovanka rock 'n' roll« (Aleš Podbrežnik za Rockline).
Prodornen vokal ter čustveno nabita besedila so plod Timoteja Jermana. Nepogrešljivo šeststrunsko čarovnijo, ki sega od rjovečih riffov do bluzovsko obarvanih solo vložkov, izvajata Matevž Kovačič in Matija Veber. Za ritomigajoč groove pa poskrbita Zala Janežič na bobnih ter Amadei Šaršanski na bas kitari.

Even though Attic Mist are best described as a hard rock band their youthful energy, evident in their live performances, takes them a step further. Refreshingly provocative and with an ear for catchy melodies at that, they manage to appeal to a broad audience and have thus been steadily expanding their fanbase across native Slovenia and internationally. They are currently touring in support of their debut EP, Just a Taste.
Having undergone its fair share of changes in the span of less than two years, Attic Mist's line-up presently consists of five members. At the helm are the piercing vocals and emotionally charged lyrics of Timotej Jerman. Practising some serious six-string wizardry are Matevž Kovačič and Matija Veber who sweeten one another’s roaring riffs with tasteful blues-infused solos. Half of a well-oiled rhythm section is Amadei Šaršanski, a skilful bassist with a bone-shaking tone, ripe for the front line. Last but not least, whoever thinks classically trained percussionists aren't the stuff of rock 'n' roll has yet to meet the fearless Zala Janežič, who never fails to deliver an infectious beat.
If it's hard-hitting, no-nonsense rock you're after, look no further.
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