Armaroth je petglava entiteta, ki prebiva nekje v obskurnem podzemlju Kranja. Od prvih zapisov iz leta 2008, pa do danes, se je bend vzpostavil kot ena najbrutalnejših sil slovenske metal scene. Po demu Burning Execution (2010), ki je prave podvige šele nakazoval, je band leta 2013 izdal EP False Vision, ki je visoko čislan tako med podporniki, kot med recenzisti. Jeseni 2015 sta bend okrepila Rok Lukavečki na bobnih in Vid Pobegajlo na bas kitari. Leto kasneje sta najprej izšla singla Diamox in Deep Of Throats, ki sta napovedala težko pričakovani prvenec ZENITH. Ta je izšel decembra 2016 in bil odlično sprejet kot nekaj svežege in izvirnega na metal sceni.
Čeprav Armaroth najraje ustvarja v svojem betonskem brlogu, pa svoj pravi obraz pokaže šele, ko zavzame oder. S svojo naravno karizmo in odrsko prezenco, bend zastruplja in zapeljuje občinstvo. Band je oborožen z izredno glasno in precizno ritem sekcijo, mastnimi in sprevženimi kitarskimi riffi ter psihadeličnimi vložki, na čelu pa rohnijo trije peklenski vokali, ki se jim uklanjajo strahovi sami.
Armaroth is known to the masses as a five-headed acid spitting death metal entity residing underneath Kranj, Slovenia. Formed in 2008, this act has already established itself as one of the most promising bands to come from the region, a claim that they have supported with numerous raging shows in their home country. After their Burning Execution Demo (2010) showed signs of things yet to come, Armaroth released their EP titled False Vision in 2013, which was (and still is) held in very high regard by fans and reviewers alike. In fall 2015, Vid Pobegajlo joined and Rok Lučavečki joined as bassist and drummer. With the new lineup, the band released singles Diamox and Deep Of Throats, announcing heabiliy anticipated debut album ZENITH. The LP was released in December 2016 and gained very positive reviews, which labeled it as an excellent and innovative piece of art.
The stage is the place where the band really comes alive and fulfills its full potential as a force intoxicating, seducing and ultimately obliterating every last man present. Armed with a war machine of a rhythm section, riffs that take the term "brutal badass death metal" to a new level, guttural vocals and an enormous stage presence, Armaroth are a force to be reckoned with.
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