The Great DeceiverThe Great Deceiver (named after a King Crimson song) formed around 1996/97, immediately after AT THE GATES split. Rather than chase a record deal too quickly, the band spent a long while with heads down, and focused on creating a style and sound that was distinctive and original. Tomas Lindberg: "The Great Deceiver is the dark hardcore cousin of At The Gates, the logical continuation of my career."
With Tomas at the helm, one of the most vital and respected front men of his generation, and various members of Diabolique also in the line-up, it was only a matter of time before the music industry came knocking on their door. In 1998 a deal with Swedish indie label Bridge Records was eked out and the mini-album Cave-In was born. Almost instantly the EP began creating a buzz on the hardcore underground scene, bringing the band to the attention of US label Trustkill. The label released the EP in the States, under the new title Jet Black Art. The EP was a marriage of de-tuned war like aggression, socially conscious lyrics andpunishing grooves, all carried off with industrial precision.
"Jet Black Art surpasses the hype, as it is simply a brutal and unrelenting exercise in metallic mastery" Exclaim Magazine USA 2001
Always happiest playing live The Great Deceiver gigged steadily around Scandinavia with the likes of Within Reach and Cult Of Luna. They recently completed a highly successful Scandinavian tour in support of the mighty Napalm Death.
The bands first album proper was recorded at Berno Studio's in 2001, and is appropriately titled A Venom Well Designed. After the critical acclaim of Cave-In the band had many larger labels interested in working with them. Peaceville Records, who had been fans since hearing the EP upon its release offered the band a deal and were delighted when they accepted. Tomas has been a close friend of the label since his days with At The Gates, and both parties knew they could work well together.
A Venom Well Designed is scheduled for international release on May 20th. The sound is not dissimilar to its predecessor but has matured into a fuller heavier sound. Still brutally hardcore, but with a more melodious edge. The bristling lyrics bite with an urgency and conscience quite unique in these days of 'me me me nu-metal.' Their influences range through the obvious death metal n hardcore scenes to Joy Division, Suicide and the Velvet Underground.
The Great Deceiver Website